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Promotionen und Habilitationen


  • Brandenburg, Elena: "Karl der Große im Norden. Rezeption französischer Heldenepik in den altostnordischen Handschriften"
    Disputation am 06.06.2018

  • Müller, Katharina: "Autorenlesungen in Skandinavien um 1900. Knut Hamsun, Herman Bang, Selma Lagerlöf"
    Disputation am 30.04.2014

  • Berrenberg, Christian: "'Es ist deine Pflicht zu benutzen, was du weißt!' Literatur und literarische Praktiken in der norwegischen Arbeiterbewegung 1900-1931" (Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2014).
    Disputation am 12.06.2013 – Ausgezeichnet mit dem Offermann-Hergarten-Preis 2014

Current dissertations

Promotionen und Habilitationen

  • Blode, Anja Ute: Annales RyensesRydårbogen. Transmission and Translation of medieval annals (Working title)

    The PhD project contributes to the discussion on intercultural networks concerning the transfer of texts and manuscripts in the North European Middle Ages. The text corpus consists of the four manuscripts of the Annales Ryenses/Rydårbøger. The differences in content and form between the manuscripts will be investigated, new manuscript descriptions produced, and the interdependencies between the manuscripts clarified. Furthermore, the contexts of the transmission and the reception of the annals at home and abroad will be examined. In addition to the material philology, the polysystem theory and cultural transfer will also be considered.
  • Bruns, Julian: Faschistische Literatur in Nordeuropa von 1918 bis 1940 (Arbeitstitel)
  • Dreymüller, Kathrin: Urbanistic literature in Scandinavia between 1895 and 1915 (Working title)

    The PhD project examines the construction of cities in Scandinavian literatures in the transition from Modern Breakthrough to Classical Modernism. The project analyses novels and short prose by Danish, Norwegian and Swedish authors. In addition to the concept of relational space according to Martina Löw, approaches of gender studies are applied. The focus is in particular on mechanisms that allow or forbid access to certain spaces and strategies for circumventing these mechanisms.

  • Heinen, Anne-Katrin: Bildpostkarten in Schweden um 1900: Zu einem frühen visuellen Massenkommunikationsmedium (Arbeitstitel)

  • Horstschäfer, Dörthe: War literature of the 20th and 21st century in Sweden and Finland (Working title)

    This work contributes to current bellography research, especially with regard to recent Swedish, Finland-Swedish and Finnish literature on the wars of the 20th century. Within two national memory frameworks, I will take into account the similarities and differences, but also developments that are to be re-evaluated in the context of memory culture, collective memory, and identity construction.

  • Jendry, Heike: Religiosität und Weltanschauung in Sara Lidmans "frühen Norrlandsromanen" (Arbeitstitel)

  • Keller, Anna: Writing doppelgangers in the Scandinavian literatures (Working title)

    The PhD project contributes to the research regarding the motif of the doppelganger in Scandinavian literatures. On the basis of Danish, Swedish and Norwegian fiction, I will examine genesis and interdependence of doppelganger motif and contemporary identity construction, and contrast the findings with the German tradition, which dominates the research of doppelgangers. The work especially focuses on the writing doppelganger, which is analyzed in the context of production aesthetic theories as e.g. the concept of ‘Schreibszene’.
  • Pohle, Karolin: Text-Sound Composition in Sweden in the 1960s and 1970s (Working title)

    This PhD project examines the intermedial art form of text-sound composition in an interdisciplinary manner, i.e. both literary and musicological, in the context of the avant-garde. The corpus comprises the works of the five main representatives Sten Hanson, Åke Hodell, Bengt Emil Johnson, Lars-Gunnar Bodin and Ilmar Laaban. In addition to the realized text-sound compositions, the source texts will also be considered.   


  • Tolles, Jan-Niklas: Object Case Alternation and the External Agent Transitive Construction: Alternative Views on Boundedness in the Context of the Finnish Object (Objektin sijanvaihtelu ja ulkopuolisen agentin transitiivikonstruktio: uusia näkökulmia rajattuuteen) (Working title)

    The linguistic PhD project examines the relation between the External Agent Transitive Construction (Matti haki viime kuussa työpaikkaa yliopistosta (ja sai sen)) and the Caused Motion Construction (Matti pyysi minut/minua elokuviin) in the context of object case alternation in Finnish. The asigned object case in the context of the given constructions differs from the traditional approach of object case asignment.

Aktuelle Habilitationsprojekte

  • Brandenburg, Elena: Gestandene Männer – geschriebene Männer? Intersektionalitätsforschung und men’s studies in der Altnordistik. Narrative Männlichkeitsentwürfe in der altnordischen Literatur (Arbeitstitel)