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5.2.3 Sekundärliteratur


Horn, Anna Catharina: Lov og tekst I middeladeren: Produksjon og resepsjon av Magnus Lagabøtes Landslov (Göteborgsstudier I nordisk språkvetenskap; 26). Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet, 2016. ISBN: 9789187850615.


Tamm, Ditlev (Hg.): The Liber legis Scaniae: The Latin Text with Introduction, Translation and Commentaries (= Routledge Medieval Translations; 4). London, New York: Routledge, 2018. ISBN: 9781138680845.


Tamm, Ditlev und Helle Vogt (Hg.): The Danish Medieval Laws. The Laws of Scania, Zealand and Jutland (= Routledge Medieval Translations; 2). London, New York: Routledge, 2016. ISBN: 9781138951358.


5.2.4 Rechtssprache und einzelne Rechtsgebiete

5.2.4.a Sprache

  Tamm, Ditlev und Helle Vogt: Creating a Danish legal language: legal terminology in the medieval Law of Scania. In: Historical Research 86 (233), 2013, S.505-514.

