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8.3.2 Skandinavien


Gruszczynski, Jacek: Viking Silver, Hoards and Containers: The Archaeological and Historical Context of Viking-Age Silver Coin Deposits in the Baltic c. 800-1050 (= Routledge Archaeologies of the Viking World; 1). London: Routledge, 2020. ISBN: 9780367662486.


Kershaw, Jane: Viking Identities: Scandinavian Jewellery in England (= Medieval History and Archaeology; 12). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780199639526.

  Kershaw, Jane; Williams, Gareth; Sindbæk, Søren und James Graham-Campbell: Silver, Butter, Cloth: Monetary and Social Economies in the Viking Age (= Medieval History and Archaeology; 18). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. ISBN: 9780198827986.

Sayer, Duncan; Sebo, Erin und Kyle Hughes: A Double-edged Sword: Swords, Bodies, and Personhood in Early Medeival Archaeology and Literature. In: European Journal of Archaeology 22 (4), 2019, S. 542-566.


Øye, Ingvild: Tracing Textile Production from the Viking Age to the Middle Ages: Tools, Textiles, Texts and Contexts. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2022. ISBN: 9781789257779.


8.3.3 Schweden


Oehrl, Sigmund: Die Bildsteine Gotlands: Probleme und neue Wege ihrer Dokumentation, Lesung und Deutung (= Studia Archaeologiae Medii Aevi; 3). Friedberg: LIKIAS, 2019. ISBN: 9783982013015.


Zachrisson, Torun: Medial storm och kollegiala morranden: Om könsbestämningen av krigaren i Birka, grav Bj. 581 på Björkö, Uppland. In: Ternhag, Gunnar (Hg.): Saga och Sed. Kungl. Adolfs Akdemiens årbok. Uppsala: Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien, 2020, S. 53-72. ISSN: 0586-5360.


8.3.4 Dänemark


Grundvad, Bente: Sydvestjyske bådgrave fra jernalder og vikingetid: religiøs betydning og teknologisk udvikling. In: By, Mærsk og Geest – Kulturhistorisk Tidsskrift for Sydvestjylland 27 (1), 2015, S. 37-58.


Grundvad, Lars und Maria Knudsen: Fæstedskatten: Dynastisk Guldsmedekunst i 900-årenes Danmark. In: By, Marsk og Geest – Kulturhistorisk Tidsskrift for Sydvestjylland 29 (1), 2017, S. 30-49.


Hägg, Inga: Textilien und Tracht in Haithabu und Schleswig (= Die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu; 18). Kiel: Wachholtz-Murmann, 2015. ISBN: 9783529014185.


8.3.5 Norwegen


Bill, Jan: Protecting Against the Dead? On the Possible Use of Apotropaic Magic in the Oseberg Burial. In: Cambridge Archaeological Journal 16 (1), 2016, S. 141-155.


Jensenius, Jørgen H.: Osebergskipets gravkammer. In: Collegium Medievale 29, 2016, S. 83-110.


Planke, Terje; Oya, Svein Erik und Eldar Heide: The Third Gokstad Boat: The Documentation and Context of a Viking Age Boat. In: International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 50 (2), 2021, S. 272-292.


8.3.6 Island


Árni Einarsson: Viking Age Fences and Early Settlement Dynamics in Iceland. In: Journal of the North Atlantic 27, 2015, S. 1-21.


Clarke, Howard B.: Viking Archaeology in Iceland: Mosfell Archaeological Project. In: Early Medieval Europe 26 (1), 2018, S. 124-127.


Steinberg, John M.; Bolender, Douglas J. und Brian N. Damiata: The Viking Age settlement pattern of Langholt, North Iceland: Results of the Skagafjörður Archaeological Settlement Survey. In: Journal of Field Archaeology 41 (1), 2016, S. 389-412.


8.3.7 Färöer


Bending, Joanna; Buckland, Paul C; Christensen, Kjeld et al.: Toftanes: A Viking Age Farmstead in the Faroe Islands. In: Acta Archaeologica 84 (1), 2013, S. 8-239.

